Claims & Risk Management

Claim Services

The HSG Claim Management Team‘s philosophy is to vigorously represent and protect our members’/insureds’ interests with respect to liability claims. We manage all details of each claim and are actively involved in aggressively defending our members/insureds.

Our Claim Management Team has over 50 years of combined experience handling medical professional and general liability claims, including three attorneys who have many years of trial experience defending medical professional and general liability claims.

We provide the following value-added services and resources as part of your professional liability package, at no additional cost:

Risk Management and Patient Safety Services

Healthcare Services Group strongly believes that an effective risk management and patient safety program reduces adverse events and subsequent liability claims. We have a team of Risk Management and Patient Safety professionals with combined experience in clinical medicine, healthcare risk management and law to assist you 24/7 with proactive risk management and patient safety initiatives. The services described below are included with your professional liability insurance package, at no additional cost, and are delivered by our Risk Management & Patient Safety staff in partnership with your facility’s staff.